Struct faiss::ClusteringParameters

struct ClusteringParameters

Class for the clustering parameters. Can be passed to the constructor of the Clustering object.

Subclassed by faiss::Clustering, faiss::ProgressiveDimClusteringParameters

Public Members

int niter = 25

number of clustering iterations

int nredo = 1

redo clustering this many times and keep the clusters with the best objective

bool verbose = false
bool spherical = false

whether to normalize centroids after each iteration (useful for inner product clustering)

bool int_centroids = false

round centroids coordinates to integer after each iteration?

bool update_index = false

re-train index after each iteration?

bool frozen_centroids = false

Use the subset of centroids provided as input and do not change them during iterations

int min_points_per_centroid = 39

If fewer than this number of training vectors per centroid are provided, writes a warning. Note that fewer than 1 point per centroid raises an exception.

int max_points_per_centroid = 256

to limit size of dataset, otherwise the training set is subsampled

int seed = 1234

seed for the random number generator

size_t decode_block_size = 32768

when the training set is encoded, batch size of the codec decoder