Struct faiss::gpu::GpuIndexCagra
struct GpuIndexCagra : public faiss::gpu::GpuIndex
Public Types
using component_t = float
using distance_t = float
Public Functions
GpuIndexCagra(GpuResourcesProvider *provider, int dims, faiss::MetricType metric = faiss::METRIC_L2, GpuIndexCagraConfig config = GpuIndexCagraConfig())
virtual void train(idx_t n, const float *x) override
Trains CAGRA based on the given vector data.
void copyFrom(const faiss::IndexHNSWCagra *index)
Initialize ourselves from the given CPU index; will overwrite all data in ourselves
void copyTo(faiss::IndexHNSWCagra *index) const
Copy ourselves to the given CPU index; will overwrite all data in the index instance
virtual void reset() override
removes all elements from the database.
int getDevice() const
Returns the device that this index is resident on.
std::shared_ptr<GpuResources> getResources()
Returns a reference to our GpuResources object that manages memory, stream and handle resources on the GPU
void setMinPagingSize(size_t size)
Set the minimum data size for searches (in MiB) for which we use CPU -> GPU paging
size_t getMinPagingSize() const
Returns the current minimum data size for paged searches.
virtual void add(idx_t, const float *x) override
can be resident on the CPU or any GPU; copies are performed as needed Handles paged adds if the add set is too large; calls addInternal_
virtual void add_with_ids(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *ids) override
can be resident on the CPU or any GPU; copies are performed as needed Handles paged adds if the add set is too large; calls addInternal_
virtual void assign(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t *labels, idx_t k = 1) const override
can be resident on the CPU or any GPU; copies are performed as needed
virtual void search(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const override
can be resident on the CPU or any GPU; copies are performed as needed
virtual void search_and_reconstruct(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, float *recons, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const override
can be resident on the CPU or any GPU; copies are performed as needed
virtual void compute_residual(const float *x, float *residual, idx_t key) const override
Overridden to force GPU indices to provide their own GPU-friendly implementation
virtual void compute_residual_n(idx_t n, const float *xs, float *residuals, const idx_t *keys) const override
Overridden to force GPU indices to provide their own GPU-friendly implementation
virtual void range_search(idx_t n, const float *x, float radius, RangeSearchResult *result, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const
query n vectors of dimension d to the index.
return all vectors with distance < radius. Note that many indexes do not implement the range_search (only the k-NN search is mandatory).
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
x – input vectors to search, size n * d
radius – search radius
result – result table
virtual size_t remove_ids(const IDSelector &sel)
removes IDs from the index. Not supported by all indexes. Returns the number of elements removed.
virtual void reconstruct(idx_t key, float *recons) const
Reconstruct a stored vector (or an approximation if lossy coding)
this function may not be defined for some indexes
- Parameters:
key – id of the vector to reconstruct
recons – reconstucted vector (size d)
virtual void reconstruct_batch(idx_t n, const idx_t *keys, float *recons) const
Reconstruct several stored vectors (or an approximation if lossy coding)
this function may not be defined for some indexes
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors to reconstruct
keys – ids of the vectors to reconstruct (size n)
recons – reconstucted vector (size n * d)
virtual void reconstruct_n(idx_t i0, idx_t ni, float *recons) const
Reconstruct vectors i0 to i0 + ni - 1
this function may not be defined for some indexes
- Parameters:
i0 – index of the first vector in the sequence
ni – number of vectors in the sequence
recons – reconstucted vector (size ni * d)
virtual DistanceComputer *get_distance_computer() const
Get a DistanceComputer (defined in AuxIndexStructures) object for this kind of index.
DistanceComputer is implemented for indexes that support random access of their vectors.
virtual size_t sa_code_size() const
size of the produced codes in bytes
virtual void sa_encode(idx_t n, const float *x, uint8_t *bytes) const
encode a set of vectors
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
x – input vectors, size n * d
bytes – output encoded vectors, size n * sa_code_size()
virtual void sa_decode(idx_t n, const uint8_t *bytes, float *x) const
decode a set of vectors
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
bytes – input encoded vectors, size n * sa_code_size()
x – output vectors, size n * d
virtual void merge_from(Index &otherIndex, idx_t add_id = 0)
moves the entries from another dataset to self. On output, other is empty. add_id is added to all moved ids (for sequential ids, this would be this->ntotal)
virtual void check_compatible_for_merge(const Index &otherIndex) const
check that the two indexes are compatible (ie, they are trained in the same way and have the same parameters). Otherwise throw.
Public Members
int d
vector dimension
idx_t ntotal
total nb of indexed vectors
bool verbose
verbosity level
bool is_trained
set if the Index does not require training, or if training is done already
MetricType metric_type
type of metric this index uses for search
float metric_arg
argument of the metric type
Protected Functions
virtual bool addImplRequiresIDs_() const override
Does addImpl_ require IDs? If so, and no IDs are provided, we will generate them sequentially based on the order in which the IDs are added
virtual void addImpl_(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *ids) override
Overridden to actually perform the add All data is guaranteed to be resident on our device
virtual void searchImpl_(idx_t n, const float *x, int k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, const SearchParameters *search_params) const override
Called from GpuIndex for search.
Protected Attributes
const GpuIndexCagraConfig cagraConfig_
Our configuration options.
std::shared_ptr<RaftCagra> index_
Instance that we own; contains the inverted lists.
std::shared_ptr<GpuResources> resources_
Manages streams, cuBLAS handles and scratch memory for devices.
const GpuIndexConfig config_
Our configuration options.
size_t minPagedSize_
Size above which we page copies from the CPU to GPU.
using component_t = float