Struct faiss::IndexIVFSpectralHash
struct IndexIVFSpectralHash : public faiss::IndexIVF
Inverted list that stores binary codes of size nbit. Before the binary conversion, the dimension of the vectors is transformed from dim d into dim nbit by vt (a random rotation by default).
Each coordinate is subtracted from a value determined by threshold_type, and split into intervals of size period. Half of the interval is a 0 bit, the other half a 1.
Public Types
enum ThresholdType
enumerator Thresh_global
global threshold at 0
enumerator Thresh_centroid
compare to centroid
enumerator Thresh_centroid_half
central interval around centroid
enumerator Thresh_median
median of training set
enumerator Thresh_global
using component_t = float
using distance_t = float
Public Functions
IndexIVFSpectralHash(Index *quantizer, size_t d, size_t nlist, int nbit, float period)
virtual void train_encoder(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *assign) override
Train the encoder for the vectors.
If by_residual then it is called with residuals and corresponding assign array, otherwise x is the raw training vectors and assign=nullptr
virtual void encode_vectors(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *list_nos, uint8_t *codes, bool include_listnos = false) const override
Encodes a set of vectors as they would appear in the inverted lists
- Parameters:
list_nos – inverted list ids as returned by the quantizer (size n). -1s are ignored.
codes – output codes, size n * code_size
include_listno – include the list ids in the code (in this case add ceil(log8(nlist)) to the code size)
virtual InvertedListScanner *get_InvertedListScanner(bool store_pairs, const IDSelector *sel) const override
Get a scanner for this index (store_pairs means ignore labels)
The default search implementation uses this to compute the distances
void replace_vt(VectorTransform *vt, bool own = false)
replace the vector transform for an empty (and possibly untrained) index
void replace_vt(IndexPreTransform *index, bool own = false)
convenience function to get the VT from an index constucted by an index_factory (should end in “LSH”)
~IndexIVFSpectralHash() override
virtual void reset() override
removes all elements from the database.
virtual void train(idx_t n, const float *x) override
Trains the quantizer and calls train_encoder to train sub-quantizers.
virtual void add(idx_t n, const float *x) override
Calls add_with_ids with NULL ids.
virtual void add_with_ids(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *xids) override
default implementation that calls encode_vectors
virtual void add_core(idx_t n, const float *x, const idx_t *xids, const idx_t *precomputed_idx, void *inverted_list_context = nullptr)
Implementation of vector addition where the vector assignments are predefined. The default implementation hands over the code extraction to encode_vectors.
- Parameters:
precomputed_idx – quantization indices for the input vectors (size n)
void add_sa_codes(idx_t n, const uint8_t *codes, const idx_t *xids)
Add vectors that are computed with the standalone codec
- Parameters:
codes – codes to add size n * sa_code_size()
xids – corresponding ids, size n
virtual idx_t train_encoder_num_vectors() const
can be redefined by subclasses to indicate how many training vectors they need
virtual void search_preassigned(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, const idx_t *assign, const float *centroid_dis, float *distances, idx_t *labels, bool store_pairs, const IVFSearchParameters *params = nullptr, IndexIVFStats *stats = nullptr) const override
search a set of vectors, that are pre-quantized by the IVF quantizer. Fill in the corresponding heaps with the query results. The default implementation uses InvertedListScanners to do the search.
- Parameters:
n – nb of vectors to query
x – query vectors, size nx * d
assign – coarse quantization indices, size nx * nprobe
centroid_dis – distances to coarse centroids, size nx * nprobe
distance – output distances, size n * k
labels – output labels, size n * k
store_pairs – store inv list index + inv list offset instead in upper/lower 32 bit of result, instead of ids (used for reranking).
params – used to override the object’s search parameters
stats – search stats to be updated (can be null)
virtual void range_search_preassigned(idx_t nx, const float *x, float radius, const idx_t *keys, const float *coarse_dis, RangeSearchResult *result, bool store_pairs = false, const IVFSearchParameters *params = nullptr, IndexIVFStats *stats = nullptr) const override
Range search a set of vectors, that are pre-quantized by the IVF quantizer. Fill in the RangeSearchResults results. The default implementation uses InvertedListScanners to do the search.
- Parameters:
n – nb of vectors to query
x – query vectors, size nx * d
assign – coarse quantization indices, size nx * nprobe
centroid_dis – distances to coarse centroids, size nx * nprobe
result – Output results
store_pairs – store inv list index + inv list offset instead in upper/lower 32 bit of result, instead of ids (used for reranking).
params – used to override the object’s search parameters
stats – search stats to be updated (can be null)
virtual void search(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const override
assign the vectors, then call search_preassign
virtual void range_search(idx_t n, const float *x, float radius, RangeSearchResult *result, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const override
query n vectors of dimension d to the index.
return all vectors with distance < radius. Note that many indexes do not implement the range_search (only the k-NN search is mandatory).
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
x – input vectors to search, size n * d
radius – search radius
result – result table
virtual void reconstruct(idx_t key, float *recons) const override
reconstruct a vector. Works only if maintain_direct_map is set to 1 or 2
virtual void update_vectors(int nv, const idx_t *idx, const float *v)
Update a subset of vectors.
The index must have a direct_map
- Parameters:
nv – nb of vectors to update
idx – vector indices to update, size nv
v – vectors of new values, size nv*d
virtual void reconstruct_n(idx_t i0, idx_t ni, float *recons) const override
Reconstruct a subset of the indexed vectors.
Overrides default implementation to bypass reconstruct() which requires direct_map to be maintained.
- Parameters:
i0 – first vector to reconstruct
ni – nb of vectors to reconstruct
recons – output array of reconstructed vectors, size ni * d
virtual void search_and_reconstruct(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, float *recons, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const override
Similar to search, but also reconstructs the stored vectors (or an approximation in the case of lossy coding) for the search results.
Overrides default implementation to avoid having to maintain direct_map and instead fetch the code offsets through the
flag in search_preassigned().- Parameters:
recons – reconstructed vectors size (n, k, d)
void search_and_return_codes(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k, float *distances, idx_t *labels, uint8_t *recons, bool include_listno = false, const SearchParameters *params = nullptr) const
Similar to search, but also returns the codes corresponding to the stored vectors for the search results.
- Parameters:
codes – codes (n, k, code_size)
include_listno – include the list ids in the code (in this case add ceil(log8(nlist)) to the code size)
virtual void reconstruct_from_offset(int64_t list_no, int64_t offset, float *recons) const
Reconstruct a vector given the location in terms of (inv list index + inv list offset) instead of the id.
Useful for reconstructing when the direct_map is not maintained and the inv list offset is computed by search_preassigned() with
virtual size_t remove_ids(const IDSelector &sel) override
Dataset manipulation functions.
virtual void check_compatible_for_merge(const Index &otherIndex) const override
check that the two indexes are compatible (ie, they are trained in the same way and have the same parameters). Otherwise throw.
virtual void merge_from(Index &otherIndex, idx_t add_id) override
moves the entries from another dataset to self. On output, other is empty. add_id is added to all moved ids (for sequential ids, this would be this->ntotal)
virtual CodePacker *get_CodePacker() const
virtual void copy_subset_to(IndexIVF &other, InvertedLists::subset_type_t subset_type, idx_t a1, idx_t a2) const
copy a subset of the entries index to the other index see Invlists::copy_subset_to for the meaning of subset_type
inline size_t get_list_size(size_t list_no) const
bool check_ids_sorted() const
are the ids sorted?
void make_direct_map(bool new_maintain_direct_map = true)
initialize a direct map
- Parameters:
new_maintain_direct_map – if true, create a direct map, else clear it
void replace_invlists(InvertedLists *il, bool own = false)
replace the inverted lists, old one is deallocated if own_invlists
virtual size_t sa_code_size() const override
size of the produced codes in bytes
virtual void sa_encode(idx_t n, const float *x, uint8_t *bytes) const override
encode a set of vectors sa_encode will call encode_vector with include_listno=true
- Parameters:
n – nb of vectors to encode
x – the vectors to encode
bytes – output array for the codes
- Returns:
nb of bytes written to codes
virtual void assign(idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t *labels, idx_t k = 1) const
return the indexes of the k vectors closest to the query x.
This function is identical as search but only return labels of neighbors.
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
x – input vectors to search, size n * d
labels – output labels of the NNs, size n*k
k – number of nearest neighbours
virtual void reconstruct_batch(idx_t n, const idx_t *keys, float *recons) const
Reconstruct several stored vectors (or an approximation if lossy coding)
this function may not be defined for some indexes
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors to reconstruct
keys – ids of the vectors to reconstruct (size n)
recons – reconstucted vector (size n * d)
virtual void compute_residual(const float *x, float *residual, idx_t key) const
Computes a residual vector after indexing encoding.
The residual vector is the difference between a vector and the reconstruction that can be decoded from its representation in the index. The residual can be used for multiple-stage indexing methods, like IndexIVF’s methods.
- Parameters:
x – input vector, size d
residual – output residual vector, size d
key – encoded index, as returned by search and assign
virtual void compute_residual_n(idx_t n, const float *xs, float *residuals, const idx_t *keys) const
Computes a residual vector after indexing encoding (batch form). Equivalent to calling compute_residual for each vector.
The residual vector is the difference between a vector and the reconstruction that can be decoded from its representation in the index. The residual can be used for multiple-stage indexing methods, like IndexIVF’s methods.
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
xs – input vectors, size (n x d)
residuals – output residual vectors, size (n x d)
keys – encoded index, as returned by search and assign
virtual DistanceComputer *get_distance_computer() const
Get a DistanceComputer (defined in AuxIndexStructures) object for this kind of index.
DistanceComputer is implemented for indexes that support random access of their vectors.
virtual void sa_decode(idx_t n, const uint8_t *bytes, float *x) const
decode a set of vectors
- Parameters:
n – number of vectors
bytes – input encoded vectors, size n * sa_code_size()
x – output vectors, size n * d
void train_q1(size_t n, const float *x, bool verbose, MetricType metric_type)
Trains the quantizer and calls train_residual to train sub-quantizers.
size_t coarse_code_size() const
compute the number of bytes required to store list ids
void encode_listno(idx_t list_no, uint8_t *code) const
idx_t decode_listno(const uint8_t *code) const
Public Members
VectorTransform *vt = nullptr
transformation from d to nbit dim
bool own_fields = true
own the vt
int nbit = 0
nb of bits of the binary signature
float period = 0
interval size for 0s and 1s
ThresholdType threshold_type = Thresh_global
std::vector<float> trained
Trained threshold. size nlist * nbit or 0 if Thresh_global
InvertedLists *invlists = nullptr
Access to the actual data.
bool own_invlists = false
size_t code_size = 0
code size per vector in bytes
int parallel_mode = 0
Parallel mode determines how queries are parallelized with OpenMP
0 (default): split over queries 1: parallelize over inverted lists 2: parallelize over both 3: split over queries with a finer granularity
PARALLEL_MODE_NO_HEAP_INIT: binary or with the previous to prevent the heap to be initialized and finalized
DirectMap direct_map
optional map that maps back ids to invlist entries. This enables reconstruct()
bool by_residual = true
do the codes in the invlists encode the vectors relative to the centroids?
int d
vector dimension
idx_t ntotal
total nb of indexed vectors
bool verbose
verbosity level
bool is_trained
set if the Index does not require training, or if training is done already
MetricType metric_type
type of metric this index uses for search
float metric_arg
argument of the metric type
size_t nprobe = 1
number of probes at query time
size_t max_codes = 0
max nb of codes to visit to do a query
Index *quantizer = nullptr
quantizer that maps vectors to inverted lists
size_t nlist = 0
number of inverted lists
char quantizer_trains_alone = 0
= 0: use the quantizer as index in a kmeans training = 1: just pass on the training set to the train() of the quantizer = 2: kmeans training on a flat index + add the centroids to the quantizer
ClusteringParameters cp
to override default clustering params
Index *clustering_index = nullptr
to override index used during clustering
enum ThresholdType